by Jonathan Bill | Sep 7, 2022 | Biz Taxes, Retirement, Tax Season
By law, you must pay income tax as you earn income — generally at least 90% of your taxes due. If you are an employee, your tax payments are typically paid by your employer in the form of withholding from your paycheck. However, if some or all of your income is not...
by Jonathan Bill | Aug 13, 2022 | General Info, Personal, Small Business
As a business owner, you may hire both employees and independent contractors. This is especially true if some of your staff work from home. But you need to know the legal differences between the two so you can classify your workers correctly. Employee vs. Independent...
by Jonathan Bill | Jul 28, 2022 | Personal
Does your teenager have a summer or part-time job? Depending on how much they earn, they may have to file a tax return next April. Just because you claim them as a dependent on your tax return does not excuse your child from filing their own return in certain...
by Jonathan Bill | Jul 17, 2022 | Biz Taxes, General Info
Hotel stays, airfare tickets, public transportation costs — it all adds up fast when you’re traveling. The good news is, as a business traveler, you may be able offset some of those expenses by claiming business travel deductions when you file your tax return. Not...
by Jonathan Bill | Jun 29, 2022 | General Info, Personal
T ax season was over in April, so you’re good until next year, right? Well, ignoring your financial situation for another six months may not be such a good idea. If you take a little time to plan ahead now, you can spot surprises before they become an issue, make...