by Jonathan Bill | Sep 7, 2022 | Biz Taxes, Retirement, Tax Season
By law, you must pay income tax as you earn income — generally at least 90% of your taxes due. If you are an employee, your tax payments are typically paid by your employer in the form of withholding from your paycheck. However, if some or all of your income is not...
by Jonathan Bill | Jun 15, 2022 | General Info, Personal, Retirement
A new information policy will soon impact your 401(k) statements, thanks to the Secure Act, which was passed in 2019. The legislation requires special disclosures be added to your quarterly statements issued after June 30. In addition to the basic information about...
by Jonathan Bill | Jul 17, 2020 | Biz Taxes, COVID-19, Small Business
Are you a “gig” worker? The gig economy, or sharing or access economy, is any activity where you earn income providing on-demand work, services or goods. Often, it’s through a digital platform like an app or website. Two of the most popular types are ride-sharing...
by Jonathan Bill | Feb 16, 2020 | Personal, Retirement
According to a recent study by GOBankingRates, Georgia ranks as one of the best states to retire if you’re trying to stretch your nest egg. If you have $100,000 saved, for example, you can expect to live off that for 877 days in Georgia (roughly 2-1/2 years). The...
by Jonathan Bill | Jan 3, 2020 | Personal, Retirement, Tax Season
President Trump signed into law in December a bill to keep the federal government funded. As part of that bill, several new tax changes were enacted, include some major changes to retirement plan rules. The new “SECURE” Act is designed to encourage retirement savings...